Desmon Jackson is an actor currently residing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His recent credits include “As You Like It” (Orlando, Poor Yorick’s Players), “Love’s Labour’s Lost” (King Ferdinand, Poor Yorick’s Players), “Period Piece” (Edmund Norm, PGH Playhouse),” Intimate Apparel” (George Armstrong, PGH Playhouse), “Sense and Sensibility” (Col. Brandon, PGH Playhouse), “Rodger’s and Hammerstein’s Cinderella” (Knight/Ensemble, PGH Playhouse), “Jesus Christ Superstar” (Pontius Pilate, Woodland Hills High School.

Desmon is active in Woodland Hills Multi-District Student Summit in Partnership with the Hear Foundation where they focus on bringing together students from Urban, Suburban, and Rural school districts to focus on UNITY in a period of division. Wanting to give children a voice/ability to interact with other children who have different cultural, social, and environmental experience.  to learn more! He is currently attending Point Park University where he will receive a B.F.A in Musical Theatre in the Spring of 2025.